Friday 5 October 2012

Libros - Books

A menudo, cuando tengo un rato de tiempo para mi, o digamos que me lo busco para desconectar y relajarme un poco, suelo agarrar uno de los libros que voy adquiriendo. Son libros sobre interiorismo, viajes, flores, textiles, etc. En general son libros que me atraen, que tienen fotos preciosas, y textos que me inspiran. Luego esas imagenes, siguen flotando en mi cabeza, y me ayudan a componer mis propias fotos. 

Often when I have a bit of time for me, or lets say I make sure I find this time to disconnect and rest, I grab one of the books I like to collect. These are books about interior design, textiles, travels, flowers, etc. In general they are books that attract me, they have amazing photos and texts that inspire me. The images of the book float in my mind, and they help me to make my own photos.

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