Wednesday 8 August 2012


Asegurate que tu corazón es para alguien que te comprende y te acompaña en el camino de la vida, el verdadero, no uno imaginario. Que te hace sentir esa fuerza y magia que ya tienes dentro de ti. No debes depender de su amor. Debes estar completo para amar de verdad. Encuentra un amor que expanda tus horizontes y te inspire. El amor, o te inspira o te agota. Debes elegir uno de los dos. Al igual que con tu trabajo.

Estoy preparada. El reto empieza.

Make sure your heart is for someone that understands you and walks with you in the path of life, the real path, not an imagery one. Someone that makes you feel that strenght and magic that you already have inside of you. You can not depend on his or her love. You must be complete to love trully. Find a love that expands your horizons and inspires you. Love either drains you out completely, or inspires you. You must choose the one you want. The same happens with your job.

I am ready. Challenge begins.

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