Saturday 19 March 2011

Yes, a Catalogue

In less than a year I met a woman called Nuria. Nuria means light in Arab. She spends the weekends with her adorable family in a house just next to mine. She is a fan of my work and often in our talks she ends up motivating me. It is important to have women that help each other in life. Well, today she has really encouraged me to get a paper catalogue, a nice presentation of my work in paper, a nice portafolio.
Thank you Nuria, I will start working very soon on the catalogue.

Hace menos de un año que conocí a una mujer que se llama Nuria. Nuria significa luz en árabe. Ella viene los fines de semana con su adorable familia a una casa cerca de la mía. Es una gran fan de mi trabajo y en nuestras constantes conversaciones me anima y motiva. Hoy me ha dicho que tengo que hacer un bonito catálogo en papel de mi firma. Gracias Nuria, en breve empiezo.

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